One of the biggest issues with WhatsApp is that it doesn’t let you permanently mute a contact or group. Instead, the app only lets you mute them for eight hours, a week, or a year.
It looks like WhatsApp is tweaking the mute option for notifications.
The app could soon let you permanently mute groups and contacts.
This looks set to replace the option to mute chats for a year.
One of the biggest issues with WhatsApp is that it doesn’t let you permanently mute a contact or group. Instead, the app only lets you mute them for eight hours, a week, or a year.
Now, serial leaker WABetaInfo has uncovered evidence that the WhatsApp team is working on the ability to permanently mute contacts and groups. The screenshot suggests that the “always” option will replace the “one year” option when muting notifications. Check out the screenshot below.
Credit: WABetaInfo
This would be a welcome addition for WhatsApp users, at least in our book. I mute notifications from every group due to the sheer number of messages stemming from them, but the “one year” option felt like a band-aid rather than a permanent solution. After all, I have to mute those groups all over again in 365 days. The only other option right now is to simply leave those groups — not ideal for the likes of family chats and work groups.
There’s no word on an exact timeline for this tweak to roll out to WhatsApp users at large, and the latest beta doesn’t seem to offer it yet. But we’ll update the article as soon as the change is pushed out to devices.
This reported tweak also comes a few days after more evidence surfaced for multiple device support in the chat app. So here’s hoping we see both features coming soon.