Adobe has released the first beta build of Photoshop for Windows 10 on ARM, bringing with it native support for ARM64 versions of Windows 10 that runs on devices like the Surface Pro X. Adobe announced support for Windows 10 on ARM over a year ago, and the first of Adobe’s Creative Cloud suite to get official ARM support is Photoshop.
The ARM version is available now for Creative Cloud subscribers in the “Beta app” area in the Cloud Desktop app. Once installed, Photoshop will run natively on a device powered by Windows 10 on ARM. In our early testing on a Surface Pro X with Microsoft SQ2, the application is quick to launch, and pen usage is no longer laggy. Exactly how it should be!
Adobe should be bringing more of its applications to Windows 10 on ARM in the future, including Adobe Fresco which it demoed at Microsoft’s Surface Pro X unveiling a year ago.