Qualcomm today announced the new Snapdragon 732G mobile processor. This is the successor to the popular mid-range Snapdragon 730G processor.
Qualcomm today announced the new Snapdragon 732G mobile processor. This is the successor to the popular mid-range Snapdragon 730G processor. The new Snapdragon 732G offers the following performance improvements over Snapdragon 730G:
Qualcomm Kryo 470 CPU Prime core clock speed at up to 2.3 GHz (compared to 2.2 GHz)
Bolstered Qualcomm Adreno 618 GPU offers 15% improvement in graphics rendering
This new Qualcomm Snapdragon processor will be used by Xiaomi’s POCO brand before others.
“Snapdragon 732G will deliver a powerful gaming experience, sophisticated on-device AI, and superior performance,” said Kedar Kondap, vice president of product management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “We’re excited to work with POCO on the new POCO smartphone powered by the enhanced Snapdragon 732G globally.”
“We are extremely excited about the upcoming POCO smartphone and our collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies that allowed us to create the first device on the market with the latest Snapdragon 732G Mobile Platform,” said Sam Jiang, head of products, POCO Global. “We believe the device will set a new benchmark in the mid-range category, completely redefining the relationship between a phone’s price and its capabilities.”