Latest Steam Hardware Survey confirms that GTX 10 series still rules the market

BY admin September 12, 2020 Technology 8 views

Steam has published the Steam hardware survey for the month of August. In case you didn’t know, Steam does a hardware survey every month and records the changes in hardware usage by gamers every month. 

Steam has published the Steam hardware survey for the month of August. In case you didn’t know, Steam does a hardware survey every month and records the changes in hardware usage by gamers every month. Since Steam is one of the most popular game application, the Steam hardware survey is likely to give the best insights.

Moving on to the Steam hardware survey, Windows 10 saw a 0.44% increase bringing it to 88.32% while Windows 7 dropped by 0.39% bringing it to 5.21%. Apart from that, Windows overall saw a 0.18% drop in the market share bringing it to 95.76%. The remaining is split between Linux and macOS which holds 3.34% and 0.89% respectively.

Coming to hardware, Nvidia holds 73.82% of the market share. The rest is divided among Intel (9.8%) and AMD (16.25%). Intel, however, is dominating when it comes to CPU with 75.05% of the market share. Moving on to VR, Windows Mixed Reality dropped 0.29% and currently sits at 7.07%. The most popular VR among Steam users is the Oculus Rift S (23.02%).

Despite Nvidia’s efforts to push the RTX series as the next best thing, gamers are not really buying into the whole RTX hype. This was evident as GTX 1060 still sits at the top of the chart with 10.22% of the market share. The top 6 cards on the latest Steam survey are GTX cards which are followed by the lowest priced RTX 2060 that holds merely 2.77% of the market. This is bad news for the adoption of RTX series but Nvidia’s upcoming RTX 3000 series could tip the scales as the new GPUs are far more powerful and are cheaper than the 2000 series counterparts.

Steam does have other interesting stats as well which you can check out on their website. Unfortunately, the stats don’t show the full picture as it’s not possible for a single piece of software to capture all of the data. That said, the Steam hardware survey still gives us some insights into the type of hardware used by gamers.


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