Accessory maker Brydge has recently announced W-Touch, a wireless standalone trackpad for Windows PCs and laptops. Featuring a massive touch area of 140 mm x 84 mm, the W-Touch brings Apple Magic Trackpad-like experience for Windows. The W-Touch also supports multi-finger gestures.
Accessory maker Brydge has recently announced W-Touch, a wireless standalone trackpad for Windows PCs and laptops. Featuring a massive touch area of 140 mm x 84 mm, the W-Touch brings Apple Magic Trackpad-like experience for Windows. The W-Touch also supports multi-finger gestures.
Whether you’re a creative genius or a productivity machine, the W-Touch brings every feature of a laptop touchpad to your desktop.
Highlights of W-Touch:
Precision Touchpad
Aluminum Body
Bluetooth 4.2 Connectivity
Up to 1-Month Battery Life
You can pre-order it here for $99 and it will be shipping in September.