Microsoft’s Surface Duo launched recently, bringing its unique form factor and two screens to the masses. While the Surface Duo is one of the most anticipated Microsoft devices in years, one artist wondered what a single-screen phone from Microsoft would look like.
Microsoft’s Surface Duo launched recently, bringing its unique form factor and two screens to the masses. While the Surface Duo is one of the most anticipated Microsoft devices in years, one artist wondered what a single-screen phone from Microsoft would look like. Jonas Daehnert, also known on Twitter as @PhoneDesigner just shared a concept of a hypothetical device called the Surface Solo.
The Surface Duo can clip one screen around and be used while utilizing a single screen, but its aspect ratio makes it wider than normal “candy bar” phones. Daehnert’s design features a more traditional aspect ratio for a single screen and a phone that takes design cues from other Microsoft devices.
The buttons on the side of the concept look similar to those of other Surface devices, and the hypothetical device comes in Surface grey. It has a single camera on the back and a punch-hole camera on the front.
Similar design, conventional form factor.
Surface Solo.— Jonas Daehnert (@PhoneDesigner) September 10, 2020
Generally speaking, Microsoft’s Surface devices push boundaries, innovate categories, or create a new category of devices. The Surface Pro helped popularize the now ubiquitous 2-in-1 category, the Surface Duo folds two screens around a unique hinge, and the Surface Studio brings a floating display to an all-in-one. That being said, there are some Surface devices that have more traditional factors, such as the Surface Laptop line.
A single-screen Surface phone seems unlikely at this point, but it’s fun to think about what one would look like.