Microsoft will bring WPF support to Windows 10 on ARM in 2021

BY admin July 17, 2020 Microsoft 1 views

Following the announcement about porting OpenJDK to Windows 10 on ARM devices, Microsoft today revealed that it will bring WPF support to Windows 10 ARM in 2021. Microsoft also revealed that WPF is now part of Developer Ecosystem and Platform team under Windows.

Following the announcement about porting OpenJDK to Windows 10 on ARM devices, Microsoft today revealed that it will bring WPF support to Windows 10 ARM in 2021. Microsoft also revealed that WPF is now part of Developer Ecosystem and Platform team under Windows. This transition will allow both WinUI and WPF frameworks to stay aligned and remain future-proof. Microsoft WPF team published the following as their roadmap through 2020 and into 2021.


Another good news is that Microsoft is planning to hire more resources to further develop WPF for .NET 5.

Our team’s management has approved additional resourcing needs for this project. However, the global COVID-19 pandemic has caused hiring to be slower than usual. With the available resources on the current team, the roadmap above is what we are committed to getting scheduled and done in the foreseeable future. Stay tuned for schedule and/or investment updates as soon as we are able to actively expand resourcing for our team.


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