Generally, we discover new products on a social media app. If we are interested in the product, we will search about the product on YouTube for reviews.
Generally, we discover new products on a social media app. If we are interested in the product, we will search about the product on YouTube for reviews. Later, if we want to buy the product, we will go to an e-commerce website to place the order. Basically, we switch between a social media app, YouTube and an online shop. Google Area 120 today announced Shoploop, a video shopping platform for discovering, evaluating and buying products, all in one place.
Shoploop highlights:
All Shoploop videos are shorter than 90 seconds and help you discover new products in an entertaining way.
Shoploop helps you get product reviews from real people who are knowledgeable about the products in a particular area.
Once you find a product that interests you, you can either save the product to buy it later or click straight to the merchant’s website to complete the purchase.
You can also follow your favorite Shoploop creators and share videos you like with your friends and family.
You can visit shoploop.app on your mobile device today to try out this new service. Google is currently working to bring this experience to desktop users.
Right now, Google is focusing on beauty products (makeup, skincare, hair and nails). If you are a content creator or a store owner dealing with beauty products, you can apply through Google’s website to be an exclusive Shoploop creator.