Chrome 86 for Android is getting a useful data-saving download feature

BY admin July 21, 2020 Google 7 views

Google has been focussing on reducing data consumption for its browser on Android, with improvements in LiteMode in recent weeks allowing data-constrained users to opt to receive less data-intensive versions of web pages and videos.

Google has been focussing on reducing data consumption for its browser on Android, with improvements in LiteMode in recent weeks allowing data-constrained users to opt to receive less data-intensive versions of web pages and videos.

In their latest move, Google is now looking at reducing data usage for downloads by allowing users to postpone when they download an item.

In Chrome 86, when the new “#Enable download later” flag is enabled, users are now able to postpone downloads to when WIFI is available, a later time and even another day.


The feature means when you try and download a file you will now be offered the option of downloading now, when on WIFI or later. After a file is downloaded a notification is shown to an end-user.

The feature should be particularly useful for those whose Android smartphone is their only PC. Hopefully, Google will also make further improvements to the download manager on Android, to for example sort and search downloads to manage files more easily.


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