Apple releases new software updates for iPhones, iPads, and Macs

BY admin August 16, 2020 Apple 3 views

Apple has released software updates for three of its operating systems: iOS for iPhones and iPods, iPadOS for iPads, and macOS for Macs. The updates are small and focus on bug fixes rather than adding new features.

Apple has released software updates for three of its operating systems: iOS for iPhones and iPods, iPadOS for iPads, and macOS for Macs. The updates are small and focus on bug fixes rather than adding new features.

The updates are labeled iOS 13.6.1, iPadOS 13.6.1, and macOS 10.15.6 Supplemental Update. Typically, iOS or iPadOS updates that have two decimal points are bug-fix updates, and releases that bring new features have just one decimal point.

The mobile device update fixes a problem that prevented storage for being cleared as intended, addressed a bug that could cause “some displays to exhibit a green tint,” and fixed an issue “where Exposure Notifications could be disabled for some users.” As for macOS, just two changes are named by Apple: a fix for a “stability issue” related to virtualization apps, and a wake-from-sleep problem unique to the brand-new iMac that just released.

Here are Apple’s release notes for iOS 13.6.1:

iOS 13.6.1 includes bug fixes for your iPhone.

  • Addresses an issue where unneeded system data files might not be automatically deleted when available storage is low

  • Fixes a thermal management issue that caused some displays to exhibit a green tint

  • Fixes an issue where Exposure Notifications could be disabled for some users

And for the macOS 10.15.6 Supplemental Update:

macOS Catalina‌ 10.15.6 supplemental update includes bug fixes for your Mac.

  • Fixes a stability issue that could occur when running virtualization apps

  • Resolves an issue where an ‌iMac‌ (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020) may appear washed out after waking from sleep

All these updates should be rolling out to all users of supported devices globally today.


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