Apple may soon take marketing to new depths

BY admin May 18, 2020 Apple 7 views

One of the stranger opinions about Apple products is that they’re all marketing.

Big Apple. Big headphones

One of the stranger opinions about Apple products is that they’re all marketing.

For many years, soberly technical types insisted that Cupertino’s wares are actually inferior. It’s just that they’re brilliantly marketed.

That’s largely been balderdash, with a helping of nonsense.

The products themselves — iMac, iPhone, iPad — have been more powerful marketing tools than any ad could ever be.

You see them out in the world and they speak with a different tone, a different style.

Even today, look at AirPods and you know that the things themselves make more of a statement than any ad for them has. In fact, most AirPods ads have made the statement: “Oh, dear. The creative team’s out of ideas again.”

And now Apple is rumored to be releasing over-ear headphones. No, not the Beats varietal, but your actual Apple-branded over-ear rivals.


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