Why ransomware is still so successful: Over a quarter of victims pay the ransom
Organisations are paying an average of $1m to cyber criminals to restore their networks after falling victim to ransomware.
Organisations are paying an average of $1m to cyber criminals to restore their networks after falling victim to ransomware.
India is not done banning Chinese apps. The world’s second-largest internet market, which has banned more than 175 apps with links to the neighboring nation in recent months,… Read More
‘We urge the industry to address our serious concerns’ Read More
Facebook says it has patched a security issue within Instagram that would have allowed hackers to take control of a smartphone by simply sending a user a… Read More
Cybersecurity is a business issue, not an IT issue. Organizations must foster a cybersecurity culture championed by management and supported by technology, governance, and staff awareness. Read More
Everyone knows that hacker-attack scene from NCIS. Working in their dimly lit forensics lab, Abby Sciuto (Pauley Perrette) and Timothy McGee (Sean Murray) have to fend off a…
A hacker allegedly behind a spate of Twitter account hacks on Wednesday gained access to a Twitter “admin” tool on the company’s network that allowed them to hijack high-profile… Read More
The study, carried out by Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Communication (FKIE), involved 127 home routers from seven brands: AsusTek Computer Inc., Netgear Inc., D-Link Corp., Linksys, TP-Link Technologies… Read More
The threat of ransomware may seem ubiquitous, but there haven’t been too many strains tailored specifically to infect Apple’s Mac computers since the first full-fledged Mac ransomware surfaced only four… Read More
Ransomware is rapidly shaping up to be the defining online security issue of our era. It’s a brutally simple idea, executed with increasing sophistication by criminal groups. A… Read More