There’s a Good Reason Why the Avengers’ White Suits Are in Endgame’s Marketing

BY admin April 10, 2019 Movies 7 views

So far, the trailers for Avengers: Endgame have given us almost nothing. We know a lot of people are dead, we know the Avengers are sad and have a plan, but that’s kind of it. However, there are those intriguing white suits everyone is wearing, which seem more than a little significant.

Kevin Feige told us why the white suits are in the Endgame trailer…just not what they mean.
Photo: Disney

So far, the trailers for Avengers: Endgame have given us almost nothing. We know a lot of people are dead, we know the Avengers are sad and have a plan, but that’s kind of it. However, there are those intriguing white suits everyone is wearing, which seem more than a little significant.

“Obviously anything that goes into the trailers is really well considered,” director Joe Russo told io9 when asked about the white suits. “And whatever people want to take away from that they can take away from that.”

Well, that tells us nothing, which is exactly how Marvel wants it. If you believe the online buzz, the white suits could have something to do with the Avengers going into the Quantum Realm with Ant-Man’s help. But, if you ask Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige, you get a little more context, outside of the world of the movie of course.

“We call them the team suits,” Feige told io9. “And we early on decided [revealing them] was a big differentiating factor between [Endgame] and the other films. The Avengers have never had matching outfits before, [so] we thought it was a very intriguing image to see something that made this film feel new.”

Feige explained one of the problems Marvel and Disney ran into with marketing Avengers: Endgame wasn’t just keeping a lot of secrets, it was letting people know the film was more than just a simple sequel.

“[We had to] make it feel more than just Infinity War II. Because it’s not,” he said. “Those team suits add something fresh to it. As does Hawkeye, as does Captain Marvel. As does Scott Lang.” All of whom were not in Infinity War, hence Scott Lang and Hawkeye being revealed in that first trailer, and Captain Marvel in the next one.

So there you have it. The team suits were revealed to spark speculation, yes, but also make Endgame feel removed and distinct from Infinity War. And if it means Marvel and Disney can sell a few toys on the side by slapping some white suits on the Avengers? All the better.

Avengers: Endgame opens April 26.


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