Samuel L. Jackson’s Been Trolling Us All About Captain Marvel’s Powers

BY admin March 8, 2019 Movies 6 views

In the months leading up to Carol Danvers’ impending arrival into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, both the studio and Captain Marvel‘s stars have made a point of letting us know just how powerful the movie’s titular is. She stronk. She fly. Photon blasts? She’s got those in spades. But up until recently, we’d been led…

Nick Fury having the time of his life.
Image: Marvel Studios

In the months leading up to Carol Danvers’ impending arrival into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, both the studio and Captain Marvel‘s stars have made a point of letting us know just how powerful the movie’s titular is. She stronk. She fly. Photon blasts? She’s got those in spades. But up until recently, we’d been led to believe she has one of the most important powersets in the MCU that might play an important role in how she becomes part of Avengers: Endgame and ends up helping save the day.

While speaking recently to Entertainment Tonight about the sound and fury Carol’s bringing to the MCU, Samuel L. Jackson explained how Captain Marvel establishes just what its hero’s powers are so that audiences will understand how it is that she’s able to fight Thanos. Curiously, the actor made mention of Carol being able to travel through time, which has never really been one of her signature abilities in Marvel’s comics, and raised questions about how Captain Marvel, which is set in the ’90s, would end up connecting to the present day MCU.

We regret to inform you that Jackson was just messing around. Carol’s not a time traveler.

When asked by KROQ’s Kevin & Bean this week about whether any of the cast members have gotten in hot water for leaking details about the movie, Larson called Jackson out for trolling folks by saying things that are straight up not true. Jackson, shrugging, owned up to it:

“I made stuff up. I said she could time-travel one time. I could make up some more shit?”

Listen. Press circuits for big-budget superhero movies are grueling trips around the world in which actors are asked the same 10 or so questions literally hundreds, and they’re expected to breeze through it all as if it’s not incredibly exhausting. Sometimes, maybe you toss in a little misdirection if only to mix things up and keep them interesting.

More importantly, though, Jackson’s joke is a good reminder that as…”fun” as it can be to obsessively pore over interviews hunting for details about a movie that’s not come out yet, it’s even more fun to actually go see the movie and figure things out for yourself, which you can do when Captain Marvel hits theaters March 8, ya nerds.

[h/t Syfy]


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